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Testing Vue.js Components with Jest Alex Jover Morales

Testing Vue.js Components with Jest von Alex Jover Morales

Testing Vue.js Components with Jest Alex Jover Morales

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Through this comprehensive guide, you'll learn several techniques to develop robust and bug-free applications, including shallow rendering, snapshot testing, and dependency mocking.

Testing Vue.js Components with Jest Zusammenfassung

Testing Vue.js Components with Jest: A concise guide to testing Vue.js components using Jest and the official Vue Test Utils library Alex Jover Morales

Unit test your Vue.js components with this fully-featured JavaScript testing framework

Key Features
  • Understand the various testing styles and their purpose
  • Gain insight into how to test methods by avoiding dependencies
  • Explore snapshot testing and its applications
Book Description

Unit testing in modern component-based JavaScript frameworks is not straightforward. You need a test suite that is reliable and runs quickly. Components are connected to one another, and the browser adds a layer of UI, which makes everything inter-dependent while we test components in isolation. Jest is a fully-featured JavaScript testing framework that will do all your work for you.

This book shows you how to test Vue.js components easily and take advantage of the fully-featured Jest testing framework with the aid of practical examples. You'll learn the different testing styles and their structures. You'll also explore how your Vue.js components respond to various tests. You'll see how to apply techniques such as snapshot testing, shallow rendering, module dependency mocking, and module aliasing to make your tests smooth and clean.

By the end of this book, you'll know all about testing your components by utilizing the features of Jest.

What you will learn
  • Set up a Vue-test project to get started with Jest
  • Unit test your components using techniques such as shallow rendering
  • Gain insights into how to test the reactive parts in the logic of the Vue.js components
  • Explore how to test deeply rendered Vue.js components
  • Perform easy and quick tests with module dependency mocking, module aliasing, and more
  • Know-how and when to use snapshot testing
Who this book is for

If you are a programmer looking to make your development process smooth and bug-free, this is an ideal book for you. Prior knowledge and experience of JavaScript will help you quickly and easily grasp the concepts explained in this book.

Über Alex Jover Morales

Alex Jover Morales is a Vue.js core team partner. He co-organizes Alicante Frontend and Vue Day. He is an instructor at Alligatorio and is interested in web performance, PWA, code quality, and the human side of code.


Table of Contents
  1. Write the First Vue.js Component Unit Test in Jest
  2. Test Deeply Rendered Vue.js Components
  3. Test Styles and Structure
  4. Test Properties and Custom Events
  5. Test Computed Properties and Watchers
  6. Test Methods and Mock Dependencies
  7. Test Vue.js Slots
  8. Enhance Jest Configuration with Module Aliases
  9. Snapshot Testing

Zusätzliche Informationen

Testing Vue.js Components with Jest: A concise guide to testing Vue.js components using Jest and the official Vue Test Utils library Alex Jover Morales
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