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The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven Alan Warner

The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven von Alan Warner

The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven Alan Warner

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Manolo Follano, a 40-year-old Spanish roue, has built a comfortable life for himself in his hometown. For a playboy like Manolo to be told by his doctor and friend that he is HIV Positive is the end of everything. He strolls around his familiar haunts recalling the loves of his life, as he prepares to tell each of them his terrible secret.

The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven Zusammenfassung

The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven Alan Warner

Manolo Follano, a 40-year-old Spanish roue, has built a comfortable life for himself in his hometown by the sea. His architectural design company is thriving, his suits are Italian linen, his cigars Cuban, he's on friendly terms with his two ex-wives and happily free to enjoy the charms of women much younger. For a playboy like Manolo - handsome, fastidious, opinionated and more than a little vain - to be told by his doctor and friend that he is HIV Positive is, it would seem, the end of everything. In Alan Warner's fifth novel, however, this devastating news is only the beginning. Manolo strolls around his familiar haunts recalling, with Proustian clarity, the loves of his life, as he prepares to tell each of them his terrible secret - all the while bracing himself for the final reckoning, and the thin hope of redemption. In a series of vivid, erotic, hilarious flashbacks, he plays back his life in glowing technicolor with each wild and glorious set-piece building towards a complete picture of a life - flawed, certainly, but passionate, richly imagined and deeply humane. A novel of stunning visual invention that manages to be both provocative and profound, both shocking and riotously funny, The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven is further proof of Alan Warner's prodigal gifts of spirit and imagination, and his position in the first rank of contemporary writers.

Über Alan Warner

Alan Warner is the author of four previous novels: Morvern Callar, These Demented Lands, The Sopranos and The Man Who Walks. In 2003 he was chosen as one of Granta's twenty Best of Young British Novelists.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Worms Can Carry Me To Heaven Alan Warner
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Vintage Publishing
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