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Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Peter Knabner

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations By Peter Knabner

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations by Peter Knabner

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This text provides an application oriented introduction to the numerical methods for partial differential equations. The book examines modern topics such as adaptive methods, multilevel methods, and methods for convection-dominated problems and includes detailed illustrations and extensive exercises.

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Summary

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations: With contributions by Andreas Rupp by Peter Knabner

This text provides an application oriented introduction to the numerical methods for partial differential equations. It covers finite difference, finite element, and finite volume methods, interweaving theory and applications throughout. The book examines modern topics such as adaptive methods, multilevel methods, and methods for convection-dominated problems and includes detailed illustrations and extensive exercises.

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations Reviews

This book has a large amount of new exercise problems that are uniformly distributed across the text. ... this book is a very nice text which will serve well for the undergraduate as well as graduate students and will also become a ready reference for scholars. (Murli M. Gupta, Mathematical Reviews, April, 2023)

Many of the SIAM Review readership will be interested in NMEPPDE from the standpoint of self-study or classroom education. ... NMEPPDE offers the applied mathematics reader nearly a single point of entry to our broad and challenging area. ... a bit of open space on the bookshelf could profitably be well filled with a copy of NMEPPDE. (Robert C. Kirby, SIAM Review, Vol. 65 (1), March, 2023)

About Peter Knabner

Peter Knabner is Professor emeritus at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, where he has led the chair Applied Mathematics I from 1994 to 2020, and also guest professor at the cluster of excellence SimTech of the University of Stuttgart. Knabner'research is focussed on the derivation, analysis and numerical approximation of mathematical models for flow and transport in porous media. with applications in science and technology, in particular in hydrogeology.
After the study of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Freie Universitat Berlin (diploma in 1972) he earned a PhD from the University of Augsburg in 1983, where he also received a higher doctoral degree (habilitation) in 1988.
Peter Knabner is author of more than 180 peer-reviewed publications in applied analysis, numerical mathematics and geohydrology. He is author and co-author of 13 research monographs and textbooks in German and English.

Lutz Angermann is Professor of Numerical Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of the Clausthal University of Technology since 2001. His research is concerned with the development and mathematical analysis of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations with special interests in finite volume and finite element methods and their application to problems in Physics and Engineering.
After the study of Mathematics at the State University of Kharkov (now V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine) he earned a PhD from the University of Technology at Dresden in 1987. The University of Erlangen-Nurnberg awarded him a higher doctoral degree (habilitation) in 1995. From 1998 to 2001, he held the post of an Associate Professor of Numerical Mathematics at the University of Magdeburg.
He has authored or co-authored about 100 scientific papers, among them four books as co-author, and he edited two books.

Table of Contents

For Example: Modelling Processes in Porous Media with Differential Equations.- For the Beginning: The Finite Difference Method for the Poisson Equation.- The Finite Element Method for the Poisson Equation.- The Finite Element Method for Linear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems of Second Order.- Grid Generation and A Posteriori Error Estimation.- Iterative Methods for Systems of Linear Equations.- Beyond Coercivity, Consistency and Conformity.- Mixed and Nonconforming Discretization Methods.- The Finite Volume Method.- Discretization Methods for Parabolic Initial Boundary Value Problems.- Discretization Methods for Convection-Dominated Problems.- An Outlook to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.- Appendices.

Additional information

Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations: With contributions by Andreas Rupp by Peter Knabner
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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