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Surveying for Construction William Irvine

Surveying for Construction By William Irvine

Surveying for Construction by William Irvine

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Suitable for students of engineering in surveying, this title is also for students of building and environmental studies and archeology. Offering an introduction to land and construction surveying, it includes the principles, methods and equipment used in surveying. It includes coverage of levelling, total stations, detail surveys, and EDM.

Surveying for Construction Summary

Surveying for Construction by William Irvine

Surveying for Construction 5e is an essential textbook for students of engineering new to surveying, and will also appeal to students of building and environmental studies and archaeology. Offering a strong grounding in land and construction surveying, the authors clearly and comprehensively guide the reader through the principles, methods and equipment used in modern-day surveying.

Taking into account recent advances in the field, the material has been fully updated and revised throughout including new and up-to-date coverage of levelling, total stations, detail surveys, and EDM. A new chapter on GPS technology has been added. In keeping with the practical nature of the book, there are chapters on setting out construction works and surveying existing buildings, which guide the reader step-by-step through the fundamental procedures.

The clear and methodical nature of the explanations, supported by a wide range of exercises and examples, make Surveying for Construction 5e an invaluable and modern introduction to surveying.

Key features include:

*Fully updated coverage and new material throughout, including a new chapter on GPS

*New Learning Objectives and Chapter Summaries which guide the student through the learning process and highlight the key principles and methods for each chapter

*Numerous diagrams and figures which give students a clear and detailed understanding of equipment and procedures

*Extensive boxed examples and exercises that guide students through real-world surveying methods and calculations

*Website material: online material for creating your own surveying project allows students to practice the methods and techniques they have learnt

About William Irvine

William Irvine is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. Previously based at the Glasgow College of Printing and Building as a lecturer in Land Surveying, he has also been a marker and moderator for various examining bodies. Finlay Maclennan is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment at Glasgow Metropolitan College, in association with Glasgow Caledonian University.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Surveying Fundamentals
Chapter Two :Understanding Maps and Plans
Chapter Three: Linear Surveying
Chapter Four: Levelling
Chapter Five: Contouring
Chapter Six: Vertical sections
Chapter Seven: Theodolites and Total Surveys
Chapter Eight: Traverse surveys
Chapter 9: Global Positioning System (GPS)
Chapter 10: Detail Survey
Chapter 11: Curve ranging
Chapter 12: Setting out construction works
Chapter 13: Mensuration - areas
Chapter 14: Mensuration - volumes
Chapter 15: Surveys of existing buildings

Additional information

Surveying for Construction by William Irvine
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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