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Bücher von Walter Raleigh

Professor Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh was an English scholar, poet and author. He was born in London in 1861. He was Professor of English Literature at Glasgow University and Chair of English Literature at Oxford University. On the outbreak of the Great War he turned to the war as his primary subject. His finest book on the subject is the first volume of The War in the Air (1922). Sadly, before he could begin work on the second volume he died from typhoid (contracted during a visit to the Near East) in 1922. Raleigh is buried at North Hinksey, near Oxford. Raleigh Park at North Hinksey, near Harcourt Hill where he lived from 1909 to his death, is named after him.
Six Essays on Johnson von Walter Raleigh
Six Essays on JohnsonWalter Raleigh
Seltene Bücher
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