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Bücher von Stuart J. Stuple

About the Author Stuart J. Stuple has worked with computers since back when they were gasoline powered. (OK, it hasn't been that long, but it feels like it.) He spends most of his days playing with new software, wishing he had better hardware, and trying to decide between using his Macintosh or his Windows machine for whatever project he is working on. He started out as a computer book editor and project manager many years ago, but his spelling is so bad they made him an author instead. He has a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, which helps him deal with the joys of writing. In addition, Stuart has worked as a full-time Computer Science instructor in community colleges in both California and Washington. He is the author of the Quattro Pro For Dummies Quick Reference, the System 7.5 For Dummies Quick Reference, the dBASE 5 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference, and this delightful book you are now holding.