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Bücher von Steven Sanderson

After a childhood spent at the computer, Steven Sanderson started web development in 1996, first using Perl and later adopting PHP. His last five years of professional experience have focused on ASP.NET, learning what works and what works better, and experiencing a developer's life everywhere from an investment bank to a five-person Internet startup. Steven has led Red Gate's web development team, and spends his free time blogging and keeping up to speed with the latest technology developments. He's followed the ASP.NET MVC framework since its inception and frequently participates in online discussions with its core developers at Microsoft.
The Yorkshire Bus Handbook von Steven Sanderson
The Yorkshire Bus HandbookSteven Sanderson
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Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework von Steven Sanderson
Pro ASP.NET MVC FrameworkSteven Sanderson
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The East Midlands Bus Handbook von Steven Sanderson
The East Midlands Bus HandbookSteven Sanderson
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Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework von Steven Sanderson
Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 FrameworkSteven Sanderson
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