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Bücher von Sean P Kane

Sean Kane is currently a Lead Site Reliability Engineer at New Relic. He has had a long career in production operations with many diverse roles across a broad range of industries. In addition to spending his spare time writing, teaching, and speaking about modern production operations, Sean is an avid traveller, hiker, and camper. He lives in the U.S. Pacific Northwest with his wife, children, and dog(s). Karl Matthias is a Principal Systems Engineer with Nitro Software. He has worked as a developer, systems administrator, and network engineer for everything from startups to Fortune 500 companies. After a few years at startups in Germany and the UK followed by a stint at home in Portland, Oregon, he and his family recently landed in Dublin, Ireland. When not devoting his time to things digital, he can be found herding his two daughters, shooting film with vintage cameras, or riding one of his bicycles.

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