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Bücher von Sandra E. Eddy

About the Authors Sandra E. Eddy specializes in writing both how-to and reference books about the Internet, Windows, and Windows applications. Until she became a full-time freelance writer in 1993, Ms. Eddy was a documentation manager and technical writer for a major software company. From 1984 to 1993, she wrote and edited user and technical manuals for both PC- and mainframe-based computer programs. Ms. Eddy is a senior member of the Society for Technical Communications. She is the author of the following books from IDG Books Worldwide: HTML in Plain English, XML in Plain English, and The GIF Animator's Guide. John E. Schnyder is a software trainer and technical writer. He has co-authored four other computer books.
XML in Plain English von Sandra E. Eddy
XML in Plain EnglishSandra E. Eddy
5,99 €