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Bücher von Roger E. Axtell

ROGER E. AXTELL is a former V.P. of Worldwide Marketing for The Parker Pen Company who has spent thirty years traveling and living abroad. The author of the bestselling Do's and Taboos Around the World (also published by Wiley), he is a much sought-after speaker and authority on international travel. He lives in Janesville, Wisconsin. JOHN P. HEALY is managing partner of Prescott Healy Company Ltd., a public relations firm in Chicago, Illinois that specializes in the travel industry.
Do's and Taboos Around The World von Roger E. Axtell
Do's and Taboos Around The WorldRoger E. Axtell
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Gestures von Roger E. Axtell
GesturesRoger E. Axtell
Wie Neu
Gestures von Roger E. Axtell
GesturesRoger E. Axtell
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Do's and Taboos of Public Speaking von Roger E. Axtell
Do's and Taboos of Public SpeakingRoger E. Axtell
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