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Bücher von Robert Wagoner

Robert H. Wagoner, NAE, FASM, brings both a teaching perspective (Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University) and industrial experience (Staff Research Scientist, G. M. Research Laboratories) to his work in sheet metal forming and simulation. Developer of the Sheet family of computer programs in use at several companies and universities, Professor Wagoner has received extensive recognition for research achievements, including the Mathewson Gold Medal, Raymond Memorial Award, and Hardy Gold Medal. He has more than 150 research articles in print. Professor Wagoner is Director of the Center for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing of Automotive Components (CAMMAC), and is co--organizer of Numisheet '96. Jean--Loup Chenot is Director of CEMEF, the Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, a research and teaching facility of the School of Mines of Paris. CEMEF is one of Europe's premier institutes devoted to materials forming and, with close industrial cooperation, is the developer of the Forge family of programs. Winner of the Doistau--Blutel Prize of the French Academy of Sciences, the Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Merite, the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques, and Organizer of Numiform '92, Dr. Chenot has presented over 100 international or keynote lectures and has published over 125 articles on the subject of numerical simulation of industrial forming operations, particularly bulk forming.

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