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Bücher von Robert E. Taylor

Robert E. Taylor was raised on an Idaho livestock operation where several livestock species were produced. He received a B.S. degree in animal husbandry and a Master's degree in animal production from Utah State University. This background, combined with his Ph.D. work in animal breeding and physiology from Oklahoma State University, provided much depth to his knowledge of livestock production. He has had practical production experience with beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, and swine.

Dr. Taylor received teaching awards at Iowa State University (where he also managed a swine herd) and at Colorado State University. He also received the Distinguished Teaching Award from the American Society of Animal Science in recognition of his ability to organize and present materials to students. Many of his concepts for effective teaching are used in this book. Dr. Taylor passed away in 1998.

Thomas G. Field was raised on a Colorado cow-calf and seedstock enterprise. He managed a seedstock herd of cattle after completing his B.S. degree. A competitive horseman as a youth, he has had practical experience with seedstock cattle, commercial cow-calf production, stockers, and horses. He has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in animal science from Colorado State University.

Dr. Field has received teaching awards from the USDA National Excellence in Teaching program, the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, the American Society of Animal Sciences, and Colorado State University. Dr. Field is the teaching coordinator for the Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University and is responsible for coordinating the teaching herd.