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Bücher von Rif Winfield

Rif Winfield has worked in the shipping and computer industries, has been for many years a charity director, has operated his own retail businesses (with his wife Ann), and has been a candidate for elections to Parliament and other levels of government, including serving as an elected Councillor and being appointed to government posts in health and in local government. A life-long researcher into naval history, he lives in Mid Wales and is the author of a number of standard works on the ships of the British Navy.
The 50-gun Ship von Rif Winfield
The 50-gun ShipRif Winfield
The 50-Gun Ship von Rif Winfield
The 50-Gun ShipRif Winfield
Sehr Gut
The 50-gun Ship von Rif Winfield
The 50-gun ShipRif Winfield
Sehr Gut