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Bücher von Rich Bowen

Rich Bowen has been running Apache since the initial public release, and was running NCSA HTTPd before that. Rich has been contributing to the Apache documentation project for about two years, and has written a number of tutorials for the Apache docs. You can see the Apache documentation, which is the result of the efforts of a large group of documentation writers, at

Rich is the CTO of Cooper McGregor, Inc, in Wilmore, Kentucky. Cooper McGregor specializes in Apache training and services, offering training courses on the Apache Server, Web application development in mod_perl and CGI, and a variety of consulting and support services for Apache and related technologies, including technical support for the Apache Server itself. Cooper McGregor can be found on the Web at

Rich is a founding member, and Education Director, of the Lexington Professional Linux Users Group (http://www.LPLUG.org/), a professional organization dedicated to the promotion of Open Source technology, and Linux in particular, in the Lexington area.

Rich has spoken about Apache at a variety of conferences, including ApacheCon, Comdex, and the O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention.

You can reach Rich with questions, comments, errata, and kudos at

Allan Liska is a senior network engineer with WorldCom's hosting division. He has more than five years experience in the hosting industry, and is actively involved in the Apache Documentation Project. He likes spending his spare time with his wife, Roseanne, and collecting autographs from technology luminaries.

Daniel Lotilde pez Ridruejo is a senior developer with Covalent Technologies, Inc., which provides Apache software, support, and services for the enterprise. He is the author of several popular Apache and Linux guides and of Comanche, a GUI configuration tool for Apache. Daniel is a regular speaker at open source conferences such as LinuxWorld, ApacheCon, and O'Reilly OSCON. He holds an Ms. Sc. in communications engineering from the University of Seville and Denmark Technical University. Daniel is a member of the Apache Group.

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