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Bücher von Raghu Rai

Raghu Rai began his career at The Statesman, a New Delhi daily, in 1966. In 1977 he joined the world's most prestigious photographers' cooperative, Magnum. From 1982 to 1992, Rai was the Director of Photography for the magazine India Today before being a member of the jury for World Press Photo from 1990 to 1997. In the last twelve years, Rai has specialized in extensive coverage of his native country, India, and has produced more than ten books, including A Life in the Day of Indira Gandhi (1974), The Sikhs (1984), Delhi: A Portrait (1983), Raghu Rai's Delhi (1994), Calcutta (1989), and Khajuraho (1991). In 1993 he was also awarded the Photographer of the Year award in the United States. He lives and works in Delhi.
His Holiness: The Fourteenth Dalai Lama von Raghu Rai
His Holiness: The Fourteenth Dalai LamaRaghu Rai
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