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Bücher von Peter M. Kettner

Peter M. Kettner is Professor Emeritus at the Arizona State University School of Social Work. He is the author of six books, 50 articles, monographs, and book chapters on the topics of purchase-of-service contracting, privatization, macro practice in social work, human services planning, and social work administration. Over his 30 year career in academia he served as a consultant to five different state human service agencies and dozens of local nonprofit agencies on their purchase of service contracting practices and in the design and implementation of effectiveness-based planning systems. In retirement he has continued his writing and consultation with local government and nonprofit agencies. Robert M. Moroney is Professor of Social Policy and Planning at the School of Social Work at Arizona State University. He is the author of ten books and over 60 articles and book chapters on various aspects of policy, planning, and program evaluation. He currently serves as a board member of the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Human Development. He does extensive consultation with numerous national, state, and local human service organizations. Lawrence L. Martin is Professor of Public Affairs, Social Work and Public Administration at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. He was previously on the faculty of the Columbia University School of Social Work in New York City where he directed the program in social work administration. He is the author of 20 books and major monographs and over 100 articles and book chapters.

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