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Bücher von Peter Bondanella (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)

Peter Bondanella is the author of a number of groundbreaking books such as: Hollywood Italians, The Cinema of Federico Fellini, and The Films of Roberto Rossellini. In 2009, he was elected to the European Academy of Sciences and the Arts for his contributions to the history of the Italian cinema and his translations or editions of Italian literary classics (Dante, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Vasari, Cellini). He was Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature, Film Studies and Italian at Indiana University Bloomington, USA. Federico Pacchioni is Sebastian Paul & Marybelle Musco Chair of Italian Studies at Chapman University, Orange, California, USA. In his research, he focuses on cases of artistic synergy and intermediality across Italian cinema, literature, and theatre. He is the author of numerous articles and of the monograph Inspiring Fellini: Literary Collaborations behind the Scenes (2014).

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