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Bücher von Paul M. Insel

Paul Insel, Ph.D. is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has been the principal investigator of numerous NIH studies involving health education, mental health, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and nutrition. He has authored 14 books and more than 100 articles. Walton T. Roth, M.D., is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford Uni-versity School of Medicine, and Chief of the Psychiatric Consultation Service at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. He is author of over 150 research articles about how the body reacts to stress and psychological disorders. His clinical specialties are the treatment of anxiety disor-ders and psychiatric consultation in the general hospital.
Persps in Nutrition von Paul M. Insel
Persps in NutritionPaul M. Insel
Sehr Gut