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Bücher von Pamela Kiser (Elon University)

Pamela Myers Kiser is the Watts-Thompson Professor of Human Service Studies at Elon University, where she has been a faculty member in the human service program since 1981. She was recognized as an outstanding teacher in 2007 as the recipient of the Daniels-Danielly Award for Teaching Excellence at Elon. In 2010 she was named the fourth Distinguished University Professor in Elon's history. Recognized for her expertise in experiential education, she has received awards at the state and national levels for teaching excellence in service-learning, and has presented at internship and service-learning conferences across the country and internationally. Additionally, she has provided consultation to colleges and universities both nationally and internationally on internships and service-learning. She holds a B.A. from Wake Forest University and the Master of Social Work degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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