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Bücher von Owen Epstein

Owen Epstein is a consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Free, active both in undergraduate medical student and postgraduate/GP training. He is an enthusiastic advocate of non-traditional, electronic teaching and learning methods, having introduced various interactive teaching systems into the Royal Free. David Perkin is a consultant neurologist and teacher at the Charing Cross, familiar to us as the author of Atlas of Clinical Neurology and Mosby's Color Atlas and Text: Neurology. John Cookson is a consultant (respiratory) physician at the Glenfield Hospital in Leicester, again, very active in student teaching and particularly interested in non-traditional, interactive teaching methods.

The fourth author on the second edition, David de Bono, died last year and his chapter will be taken over by John Cookson; I propose that David still be listed as an author on the cover and his involvement on previous editions acknowledged inside the 3/e.
Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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Pocket Guide to Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Pocket Guide to Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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Clinical Examination von Owen Epstein
Clinical ExaminationOwen Epstein
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