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Bücher von Norman Podhoretz

Norman Podhoretz, the author of eight previous books on subjects ranging from contemporary literature to foreign policy, was editor in chief of Commentary for thirty-five years and is now the magazine's editor at large and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. A graduate of Columbia and Cambridge Universities, as well as of the Seminary College of Jewish Studies (where he earned a Bachelor of Hebrew Literature), he has been awarded a Pulitzer Scholarship, a Kellett Fellowship, a Fulbright Fellowship, the Francis L. Boyer Award from the American Enterprise Institute, and five honorary doctorates, including one from the Jewish Theological Seminary and another from Yeshiva University. He lives in New York City with his wife, the writer Midge Decter.
The Prophets von Norman Podhoretz
The ProphetsNorman Podhoretz
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Why We Were in Vietnam von Norman Podhoretz
Why We Were in VietnamNorman Podhoretz
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World War IV von Norman Podhoretz
World War IVNorman Podhoretz
World War IV von Norman Podhoretz
World War IVNorman Podhoretz
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Breaking Ranks von Norman Podhoretz
Breaking RanksNorman Podhoretz
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Ex Friends von Norman Podhoretz
Ex FriendsNorman Podhoretz
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