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Bücher von Michael J. Dunne

Michael J. Dunne is President of Dunne & Company Ltd., a Hong Kong based investment advisory firm specializing in Asia's car markets. Three weeks after earning an MBA from the University of Michigan in the summer of 1990, Michael boarded a flight to Asia. He soon founded Automotive Resources Asia (ARA), a car consultancy. ARA expanded operations in China and Southeast Asia over the next decade and, in 2006, was acquired by J.D. Power and Associates. Michael's opinions have been published in the Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and Automotive News. He was also featured in an acclaimed National Geographic documentary on China's car culture. A native of Detroit, Michael speaks Chinese and Thai. He worked in Beijing and Shanghai during the 1990s and 2000s and currently divides his time between China and Jakarta, Indonesia, where he lives with his wife, Merlien, and their three children.
American Wheels, Chinese Roads von Michael J. Dunne
American Wheels, Chinese RoadsMichael J. Dunne
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