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Bücher von Michael Dunn (Lecturer in Health and Social Care Ethics, The Ethox Centre, University of Oxford)

Tony Hope recently retired as Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Oxford. He developed the teaching in medical ethics at the University of Oxford and founded the Ethox Centre, a world-class centre in medical ethics research within the medical faculty at Oxford. He is also Emeritus Fellow at St Cross College, Oxford. In addition to over 200 research papers he has co-authored a number of books including a general textbook of medicine, a self-help psychology book, and several books in medical ethics and law. Michael Dunn is a lecturer at the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford, where he also acts as the Director of Undergraduate Medical Ethics and Law Education within the Clinical School. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics, an Editorial Board member for Ethics and Social Welfare, and a member of both research ethics committees and clinical ethics committees across the UK. Michael has published two co-edited books in addition to being the author of over 50 peer-reviewed papers and chapters in the fields of bioethics, medical, social welfare and family law, and health/social services research.