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Bücher von Lotta Dann

Lotta Dann drank alcohol steadily and heavily from the age of 15 to the age of 39. She stopped drinking only when her habit had reduced her to a sloppy, miserable mess and it became awfully apparent she had no control over her intake. She wrote her way sober with the help of an anonymous blog called 'Mrs. D Is Going Without', which started out small but slowly turned into something incredibly popular and powerful. Her bestselling memoir Mrs. D Is Going Without was published 3 years after she stopped drinking. Since its release Lotta has spent her days parenting and running a busy household, promoting recovery through her blogs and social media accounts, and managing the Living Sober website.
Mrs D is Going Without von Lotta Dann
Mrs D is Going WithoutLotta Dann
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Mrs D is Going Within von Lotta Dann
Mrs D is Going WithinLotta Dann
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