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Bücher von Lol Tolhurst

Lol Tolhurst is a musician, performer and writer. He is best known as a founding member of the band that virtually invented alternative music, The Cure. Formed in 1976, The Cure is one of the most influential, successful and critically acclaimed bands of its generation.

As The Cure's drummer Lol toured the globe many times over, supporting the ground-breaking albums 'Three Imaginary Boys', 'Seventeen Seconds', 'Faith' and 'Pornography'. He took on keyboard duties in the mid-eighties until his departure from the band in 1989, at the time of their masterwork 'Disintegration'.

In the early nineties Lol relocated to Southern California where he continues to write, record and tour with his own band Levinhurst. More recently, 2011 saw a momentous reunion tour with his former band mates and Lol performed with The Cure for the first time in over twenty years.

Cured von Lol Tolhurst
CuredLol Tolhurst
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Cured von Lol Tolhurst
CuredLol Tolhurst
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Cured: The Tale of Two Imaginary Boys von Lol Tolhurst
Cured: The Tale of Two Imaginary BoysLol Tolhurst
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