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Bücher von Lee Rourke

Lee Rourke is the author of the short-story collection 'Everyday', the novel 'The Canal' (winner of the Guardian's Not The Booker Prize 2010) and the poetry collection 'Varroa Destructor'. He is Writer-in-Residence at Kingston University, where he is an MFA lecturer in creative writing and critical theory. He lives by the sea. Follow him on Twitter: @leerourke

The Canal von Lee Rourke
The CanalLee Rourke
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A Brief History of Fables von Lee Rourke
A Brief History of FablesLee Rourke
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Vulgar Things von Lee Rourke
Vulgar ThingsLee Rourke
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Glitch von Lee Rourke
GlitchLee Rourke
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