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Bücher von Lancelot Hogben

Lancelot Thomas Hogben was a British experimental zoologist and medical statistician. He developed the African clawed frog as a model organism for biological research in his early career, attacked the eugenics movement in the middle of his career, and popularised books on science, mathematics and language in his later career. During the Second World War he had responsibility for the British Army's medical statistics. Two of his books were bestsellers: Mathematics for the Million and Science for the Citizen. He died in 1975.

Mathematics for the Million von Lancelot Hogben
Mathematics for the MillionLancelot Hogben
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Lancelot Hogben Scientific Humanist von Lancelot Hogben
Lancelot Hogben Scientific HumanistLancelot Hogben
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Mathematics for the Million von Lancelot Hogben
Mathematics for the MillionLancelot Hogben
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Mathematics for the Million von Lancelot Hogben
Mathematics for the MillionLancelot Hogben
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