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Bücher von Kris Hallenga

Kris Hallenga lives in Cornwall with her cat, Lady Marmalade. At twenty-three she was diagnosed with Stage 4, secondary, incurable cancer. She and her twin sister Maren founded the first breast cancer education charity, CoppaFeel!, which raises over GBP2 million per year, successfully campaigned to change the school curriculum, and has saved many lives. She has received a Pride of Britain Award, a Cosmopolitan Campaigner of the year award, and been awarded an honorary doctorate from Nottingham Trent University. Kris stepped down as CEO five years ago and now pursues speaking engagements, writing, dipping in the cold sea whilst working for CoppaFeel! part time. Occasionally she even finds time to remember she has cancer.

Twitter: @KrisPoB / Insta: @howtoglitteraturd

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