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Bücher von Kevin Pratt

Kevin Pratt is a bulb and alpine enthusiast who writes and lectures for a number of gardening societies including the Alpine Garden Society, The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens and the RHS Lily Group. Since 1985 he has been holder of the National Collection of Fritillaries which holds over 100 species. He also works as a gardening consultant and landscape designer. He lives in Edgeley, near Stockport. Michael Jefferson-Brown has been a prominent figure on RHS committees and a regular judge, as well as running an internationally renowned bulb farm which won nearly one hundred gold medals at Chelsea. He is the author of The Easy Garden Month-by-Month and the award winning Gardener's Guide to Growing Lilies, both published by David & Charles, and he contributes to gardening magazines regularly. He lives in Hanley Swan, Worcs.