Kostenloser Versand
Unsere Operationen sind klimaneutral

Bücher von Karl-Dieter Opp (University of Leipzig, Germany and University of Washington, Seattle)

Karl-Dieter Opp is Professor at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington (Seattle). His areas of interest include collective action and political protest, rational choice theory, philosophy of the social sciences and the emergence and effects of norms and institutions. Karl-Dieter Opp is the author of The Rationality of Political Protest (1989), coauthor of The Origins of a Spontaneous Revolution. East Germany 1989 (1995) and editor (with M. Hechter) of Social Norms (2001). Karl-Dieter Opp has widely published in the field of social movements and protest. Articles were published in the journals mentioned before, and I have written two books about the theme.

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