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Bücher von John Lambert

JOHN LAMBERT is well-known draughtsman who provides detailed plans for modelmakers. He has also written widely on naval subjects, mostly small warships. His collaborator in this volume is LES BROWN, a lifelong modelmaker and a leading light in the Small Ships Group of the International Plastic Modellers Society. He recently retired from Vosper Thornycroft, the specialist warship builder.
Allied Torpedo Boats: Shipcraft Special von John Lambert
Allied Torpedo Boats: Shipcraft SpecialJohn Lambert
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97,196 Words von John Lambert
97,196 WordsJohn Lambert
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Submarine Alliance von John Lambert
Submarine AllianceJohn Lambert
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Practical Chemistry von John Lambert
Practical ChemistryJohn Lambert
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Solidarity and Survival von John Lambert
Solidarity and SurvivalJohn Lambert
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