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Bücher von Jessica Brockmole

Jessica Brockmole grew up in the Midwest but began writing Letters from Skye while she was living in Edinburgh. After her second child was born, she and her husband escaped the city and spent a week on the Isle of Skye. The story came to her on the journey home and she started scribbling notes in the car. To begin with, the outpouring was less a novel than an extended letter to herself, written late at night when everyone else had gone to bed. A letter reminding her not to lose touch with the people she loved, and reassuring her that she would be stronger for overcoming her fears. Jessica now lives in Indiana with her husband and two children. Letters from Skye, her first novel, has been sold in twenty-two countries.
Letters from Skye von Jessica Brockmole
Letters from SkyeJessica Brockmole
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Letters from Skye von Jessica Brockmole
Letters from SkyeJessica Brockmole
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At The Edge Of Summer von Jessica Brockmole
At The Edge Of SummerJessica Brockmole
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Woman Enters Left von Jessica Brockmole
Woman Enters LeftJessica Brockmole
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Woman Enters Left von Jessica Brockmole
Woman Enters LeftJessica Brockmole
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Letters from Skye von Jessica Brockmole
Letters from SkyeJessica Brockmole
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Letters from Skye von Jessica Brockmole
Letters from SkyeJessica Brockmole
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