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Bücher von Jeanne Bliss

Jeanne Bliss spent twenty-five years on the job driving customer focus and profitability inside five large U.S. corporate machines. Jeanne reported to the founder of Lands' End as chief zealot for the Lands' End Customer Experience. She served Allstate Corporation as its officer for customer satisfaction and retention. She was senior vice president of franchise services for Coldwell Banker Corporation, general manager for Worldwide Customer and Partner Loyalty for Microsoft Corporation, and senior manager of customer satisfaction for Mazda Corporation. Today she runs CustomerBliss (www.customerbliss.com), which assists companies in connecting their organizations for improved customer experiences and profitability. She gives keynote speeches around the world.
Chief Customer Officer 2.0 von Jeanne Bliss
Chief Customer Officer 2.0Jeanne Bliss
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Would You...to Your Mother von Jeanne Bliss
Would You...to Your MotherJeanne Bliss
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Customer Ownership von Jeanne Bliss
Customer OwnershipJeanne Bliss
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I Love You More Than My Dog von Jeanne Bliss
I Love You More Than My DogJeanne Bliss
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