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Bücher von Jay Cassell

David Black is a geologist by education, a dedicated climber and rope expert since the 60s, and with twelve years of military under his belt, he became a full-time firefighter/paramedic in 1985. There he organized the department's first special rescue team and was soon training other teams around the West on his days off. After nine years on the streets, he started consulting overseas. Over the next twenty years he taught emergency response, management, and planning skills to agencies and community teams in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucuses. He also worked for three years as a health sciences administrator at Weber State University, and another three years as a Public Health emergency planner. He is the author of What to Do When the Shit Hits the Fan, Survival Retreats, Living Off the Grid, and others, and lives in Maui, Hawaii.

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