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Bücher von James Penner (Professor of Law, University College London)

James Penner is Professor of Law at University College London. He previously taught at London School of Economics for seven years. His primary research interests are the law of trusts, the philosophy of property, and the philosophy of law. He is author of The Law of Trusts 8e (OUP, 2012) and The Idea of Property in Law (OUP, 1997), and co-editor (with David Schiff and Richard Nobles) of Introduction to Jurisprudence and Legal Theory: Commentary and Materials (OUP, 2002). Emmanuel Melissaris is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the London School of Economics. His research interests lie mainly in the philosophy of law and criminal law theory. He is the author of Ubiquitous Law: Legal Theory and the Space for Legal Theory (Ashgate, 2009).