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Bücher von Ian Stirling

As a research scientist with the Canadian Wildlife Service and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta, Dr. Ian Stirling has studied the behaviour, population, ecology, and predator-prey relationships of polar bears for 40 years, longer than anyone else in the world. His research in western Hudson Bay provided the first clear demonstration of climate change on resident polar bears there. He is a member of national and international committees on polar bears and marine mammals, and has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific articles and three books. He has won several awards, including the Northern Science Award, and is an Officer of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Polar Bears von Ian Stirling
Polar BearsIan Stirling
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Polar Bears von Ian Stirling
Polar BearsIan Stirling
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Polar Bears von Ian Stirling
Polar BearsIan Stirling
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Bears von Ian Stirling
BearsIan Stirling
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Bears von Ian Stirling
BearsIan Stirling
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