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Bücher von Ian Alexander

Ian Alexander consults and trains on requirements. He has co-authored 3 books including Writing Better Requirements (2002, Wiley), HTML 4 (1997, Addison-Wesley) and Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases (2004, Wiley), and has published many technical papers and popular articles, including regular contributions to the IEEE Software. He runs various requirements training courses for IET, JBA, DERA, QSS and UNICOM amongst others.

Ljerka Beus-Dukic is a lecturer in software engineering and has taught Requirements Engineering for a number of years. Prior to joining academia, she worked in industry as a software engineer developing software for real-time applications. Ljerka is the author of many technical papers and was a contributor for the book (Powell D. (Ed.), A Generic Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Real-Time Dependable Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001). She is on the programme committee for a number of conferences including ICCBSS and Euromicro and also worked on the EU funded GUARDS project. She has co-authored around 30 publications.

Writing Better Requirements von Ian Alexander
Writing Better RequirementsIan Alexander
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Marshal Bravestarr von Ian Alexander
Marshal BravestarrIan Alexander
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West London Wildlife von Ian Alexander
West London WildlifeIan Alexander
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Marshal Bravestarr von Ian Alexander
Marshal BravestarrIan Alexander
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Marshal Bravestarr von Ian Alexander
Marshal BravestarrIan Alexander
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Marshal Bravestarr von Ian Alexander
Marshal BravestarrIan Alexander
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