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Bücher von Gerardo Marti (L. Richardson King Associate Professor of Sociology, L. Richardson King Associate Professor of Sociology, Davidson College)

Gerardo Marti is L. Richardson King Associate Professor of Sociology at Davidson College. He is author of A Mosaic of Believers: Diversity and Innovation in a Multiethnic Church, Hollywood Faith: Holiness, Prosperity, and Ambition in a Los Angeles Church, and Worship across the Racial Divide: Religious Music and the Multiracial Church Gladys Ganiel is Lecturer and the Programme Coordinator of the Master's in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation at Trinity College Dublin at Belfast (the Irish School of Ecumenics). She is author of Evangelicalism and Conflict in Northern Ireland and co-author (with Clare Mitchell) of Evangelical Journeys: Choice and Change in a Northern Irish Religious Subculture

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