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Bücher von General editor Samara Linton

Samara Linton qualified from University College London and is a University of Cambridge graduate. She has published research on mental health stigma and frequently writes about gender, race and health for various online publications. In 2016, she was awarded Best New Journalist at the Ending Violence Against Women Media Awards for her work on the mental health of black women and the experiences of migrant women in UK detention centres. She was recently invited to talk at the WoW (women of the world) conference hosted by the South Bank Centre in London. Rianna Walcott is a PhD candidate at Kings College London, where she is researching how women of colour form communities in digital spaces, following an English literature undergraduate and masters degree at Edinburgh University. She is passionate about decolonising curricula and promoting diversity in academia, and co-founded projectmyopia.com in pursuit of that goal: a website that crowdsources recommendations and reviews of diverse materials for inclusion in curricula. She is very active on the speaker circuit and was recently invited to talk at the WoW (women of the world) conference hosted by the South Bank Centre in London.