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Bücher von G.Harry Stine

G. HARRY STINE founder and past president of the NAR, started the first model rocket company whose kits are now in the Smithsonian. An engineer, science writer, and science fiction author, he is one of 50 U.S. space pioneers honored with a silver medal by the U.S. Army Association. More than 35 years after his first model rocket went skyward and over 500 million model rockets later, Stine continues to design, fly, and teach others how to do it.
Handbook of Model Rocketry von G. Harry Stine
Handbook of Model RocketryG. Harry Stine
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Starsea Invaders 2 von G. Harry Stine
Starsea Invaders 2G. Harry Stine
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Operation High Dragon von G Harry Stine
Operation High DragonG Harry Stine
Handbook of Model Rocketry von G.Harry Stine
Handbook of Model RocketryG.Harry Stine
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