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Bücher von Freek Vermeulen

Freek Vermeulen is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School. He is the first-ever winner of the school's Excellence in Teaching Award and has received various international prizes for his research on strategic management. He writes regularly for Harvard Business Review, the Financial Times, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal, among others. In the past, the Financial Times has described him as a "rising star" and a "new management guru."

Author social media/website info: twitter.com/Freek_Vermeulen, freekvermeulen.com/

Breaking Bad Habits von Freek Vermeulen
Breaking Bad HabitsFreek Vermeulen
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Breaking Bad Habits von Freek Vermeulen
Breaking Bad HabitsFreek Vermeulen
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Business Exposed von Freek Vermeulen
Business ExposedFreek Vermeulen
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