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Bücher von Fr. Christopher Jamison, OSB

Christopher Jamison is former abbot of Worth Abbey, a Benedictine monastery near London. He is also president of the International Commission on Benedictine Education and sits on the Council of the Alliance for International Monasticism, a body that promotes links between monasteries across the North/South divide. He is author of Finding Sanctuary: Monastic Steps for Everyday Life and was the host of the popular BBC documentary series The Monastery.
Finding Sanctuary von Fr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
Finding SanctuaryFr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
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Finding Sanctuary von Fr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
Finding SanctuaryFr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
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Finding Sanctuary von Fr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
Finding SanctuaryFr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
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To Live is to Change von Fr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
To Live is to ChangeFr. Christopher Jamison, OSB
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