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Bücher von Fiona Farrell

Fiona Farrell is one of New Zealand s leading writers, publishing fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction. She has also collaborated as a lyricist with some of New Zealand s leading composers. Born in Oamaru and educated at the universities of Otago and Toronto, she has published volumes of poetry, collections of short stories, non-fiction works, and many novels. In 2007 she received the New Zealand Prime Minister s Award for Fiction, and in the 2012 Queen s Birthday and Diamond Jubilee Honours List was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to literature. Farrell has been a guest at many arts festivals throughout New Zealand, and has also appeared at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Vancouver International Writers Festival. Farrell has won many awards, including the inaugural Bruce Mason Award for Playwrights, the 2011 Burns Fellowship, and the 1995 Mansfield Fellowship in Menton. Critics describe her work as richly textured, lucid, energetic and original, rich in detail, deeply pleasurable, unpredictable, brilliant. See more at www.fionafarrell.com. er debut novel The Skinny Louie Book won the New Zealand Book Award
Mr Allbones' Ferrets von Fiona Farrell
Mr Allbones' FerretsFiona Farrell
Sehr Gut
Book Book von Fiona Farrell
Book BookFiona Farrell