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Bücher von Emily Monk

Simon Hoggart (1946-2014) was the parliamentary sketch-writer and diarist for the Guardian. He also wrote about wine and TV for the Spectator and was the host of Radio 4's News Quiz. Atlantic Books published Don't Tell Mum: Hair-Raising Messages Home from Gap-Year Travellers in 2006 and The Christmas Letters in 2007. His collection of parliamentary sketches covering the Blair era, The Hands of History, was published in 2007.

Emily Monk completed her gap-year in 2006. She continues to enjoy travelling the world.

Don't Tell Mum von Emily Monk
Don't Tell MumEmily Monk
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Don't Tell Mum von Emily Monk
Don't Tell MumEmily Monk
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Don't Tell Mum von Emily Monk
Don't Tell MumEmily Monk
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