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Bücher von Em Bailey

Em Bailey is an Australian writer living in Germany with her partner and daughter. Em used to be a new-media designer for a children's television production house and is now a full-time author. Shift was her first novel for young adults, a psychological thriller that published internationally to great acclaim and won the teens' choice Gold Inky Award in Australia and was shortlisted for a number of other awards. Her second, and much-anticipated novel for young adults, The Special Ones, publishes in August 2016. When she's not writing, Em is generally getting lost, losing stuff, reading, hanging out with her friends and family, and listening to Radiolab podcasts. She always locks her doors at night.
Shift von Em Bailey
ShiftEm Bailey
Sehr Gut
The Special Ones von Em Bailey
The Special OnesEm Bailey
Sehr Gut
Shift von Em Bailey
ShiftEm Bailey
Sehr Gut
The Special Ones von Em Bailey
The Special OnesEm Bailey
Sehr Gut