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Bücher von Elissa Tognozzi (University of California, Los Angeles)

Elissa Tognozzi, Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, is Senior Lecturer SOE of Italian and Director of the Language Program. Her principal field of research and teaching is second-language acquisition. Her interests also include teaching culture, Renaissance literature and teaching with technology. She is co-author of two Italian textbooks published by Cengage Learning, Piazza and Ponti and has published articles on teaching with technology. Her most recent research study assessed learning outcomes in three different teaching environments: the traditional classroom, the hybrid classroom and the fully online classroom. She earned the AATI Distinguished Service Award in 2015 and the honor of Cavaliere conferred by the Italian Government in 2005. Giuseppe Cavatorta earned a Ph.D. from UCLA in 2004. His current research and scholarly interests include the writings of the Italian neo-avantgarde, Futurism, the partisan war in literature and movies, 19th-century and 20th-century Italian literature, language pedagogy, and the use of technology in teaching. Having previously taught at Dartmouth College, he is currently teaching at the University of Arizona.

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