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Bücher von Edna Longley

Edna Longley is a Professor Emerita in the School of English, Queen's University Belfast. Her publications include an edition of Edward Thomas's prose writings, A Language Not To Be Betrayed (1981) from Carcanet, and four critical books: Louis MacNeice: A Study (1988) from Faber, and Poetry in the Wars (1986), The Living Stream: Literature & Revisionism in Ireland (1994) and Poetry & Posterity (2000) from Bloodaxe. She also edited The Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry (2000) and Edward Thomas: The Annotated Collected Poems (Bloodaxe Books, 2008).
Poetry in the Wars von Edna Longley
Poetry in the WarsEdna Longley
Louis MacNeice von Edna Longley
Louis MacNeiceEdna Longley
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Poetry in the Wars von Edna Longley
Poetry in the WarsEdna Longley
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Division or Diversity? von Edna Longley
Division or Diversity?Edna Longley
Multi-Culturalism von Edna Longley
Multi-CulturalismEdna Longley
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Poetry & Posterity von Edna Longley
Poetry & PosterityEdna Longley
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The Living Stream von Edna Longley
The Living StreamEdna Longley
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