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Bücher von Dr Tamsin Durston (Dogs Trust, UK)

Tamsin is a Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Dog Training Instructor with over 20 years' experience as a Registered Veterinary Nurse, predominantly working as Veterinary Nurse Manager for Blue Cross Animal Hospital. In this role, Tamsin placed special emphasis on creating an inclusive working environment aimed at optimising mental and emotional health amongst the vets, nurses, receptionists, and auxiliary staff which resulted in a highly functioning, emotionally resilient, and communicative team. As well as undertaking behaviour counselling appointments, Tamsin currently holds the role of Veterinary Engagement Manager within Dogs Trust's Canine Behaviour and Research Directorate, leading a team creating welfare driven interventions aimed at improving the experience of veterinary care provision for dog, owners, and veterinary teams. Committed to animal welfare, she believes in a balanced, holistic approach to nursing, rehabilitation, rehoming and animal behaviour modification; appreciating physical, psychological and behavioural health as one.

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