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Bücher von Dinesh Verma

Dinesh C. Verma manages the Policy and Network Control Research Group at the IBM T J Watson Research Center. He has worked in the area of networking for more than a decade, and he has been a member of research groups at the University of California, Berkeley, Philips Research, and IBM. Verma has written many papers and articles in various journals in the field, and he holds several patents related to networking technologies. He has been an active participant in various industrial forums such as the IETF and ATM Forums, and he acts as an advisor to the IBM and Tivoli product divisions in the field of networking. His current research interests include performance management and Quality of Service in IP networks, employing policies to simplify management of network performance and security, and using content distribution networks to improve dynamic application performance.

Policy-Based Networking von Dinesh Verma
Policy-Based NetworkingDinesh Verma