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Bücher von David Robin Watson

David Watson was senior lecturer in History at the University of Dundee for many years until his retirement. His field is European history, especially French; after writing a major biography of Clemenceau more than thirty years ago, he continued to research and write upon his life and on related topics in French and European history. His publications include The Nationalist Movement in Paris 1900-1906 (1962), Modern Languages Review (1966) and 'The treaty of Versailles' in N Waites (ed.). Professor Alan Sharp is Provost of the Coleraine Campus at the University of Ulster. He joined the History Department at Ulster in 1971 and has been successively Professor of International Studies, a post in which he helped to set up degrees in International Studies and, later, International Politics and Head of the School of History and International Affairs. His major publications include The Versailles Settlement: Peacemaking in Paris, 1919 (1991) amongst others.

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